Indeed, the circumstances of their meeting were dire indeed. A planet was attacked, millions were dead – and millions more were still missing. Those they found, at least until this point, were probably better off dead. In a matter of a few hours, the entire economy based around their mining systems was in shambles. If the people truly understood how dire a situation they faced, even the Gya’kun might not have quelled their anger and their thirst for revenge on the government that allowed such a thing to happen. Now, though, the board was meeting – something that hadn’t happened in a long time, and something he had hoped wouldn’t be needed. Yet, the meeting was called and here they were, filing into the room one after another. Two still seemed to be missing from the group, but they would either make their way in their own time, or they wouldn’t. Regardless, the meeting would be held. The newest face among them, though he recognized him as the grandson of another councilman, spoke to him. The voice was almost dead-on familiar, but that mattered little. The hierarchy of the council allowed for descendants to take the place of their ancestors, without a vote, but only under circumstances relating to death. News reached him a day ago that Councilman Chamberlain was dead, but in the aftermath of the attack on the Federation, he paid little mind to it. Now, his replacement stood before him, and was greeting him – and the news popped to the forefront of his mind once again. “Ah, yes, Kaige the Third, is it? I’m sorry to hear about your grandfather. Unfortunately, there’s nothing that can be done. I’m sure you have more pressing matters to attend to, as I’m sure all four of us do – but we must meet. “As of right now, all travel between planets within the Federation is restricted to military movements only. The people are calm, I saw to that a few moments ago, but we’re not sure how long that’s going to last. The truth of this cannot get out, they only know what I’ve told them – and for now that’s enough, but we must keep things quiet. However, we cannot restrict their traveling for long. As such, I propose the ban be lifted now. “I’ll keep you updated on what the military reports, if they manage to catch the ship that caused this wanton destruction. That’s all I have on the matter, but perhaps either one of you has more to share?” His words flowed without the aid of the Gya’kun. These people were too strong-minded to succumb to it anyway, and even if they weren’t, they were his friends after a manner of speaking. Though in truth, most of them worked for him in one way or another. At least the General and Kaige, though Raeym corporation wasn’t strictly under his control, they operated in territory owned by the Federation and so obeyed his laws. Taking his seat at the farthest end of the long table in the room, he crossed his fingers and planted his elbows on the wooden surface, letting his chin rest just on top of his enclosed fingers. He awaited what, if anything, the others had to say on the subject, or any subject that they felt warranted galactic attention. For his part though, he simply had nothing else to say at the moment.