Kensen was lounging about for the most part, his job not coming into play until a lot later on whenever the pair were ready. He didn’t really mind that they’d take their time to get prepared and do whatever they needed to get done, he was fine with not having to deal with others who were still essentially strangers to him. He didn’t know either of them very well, even Nymira since he had been young when he was exiled. All he knew was they were pretty well acquainted with each other so they would probably try and team up on him if anything and possibly goof off, or at least he expected Ethan to do just that. It was too much really, to have to deal with two people at once but he was going to see to it that they actually learn something and not act like idiots with their magic. He didn’t want to have a frustrating time with the pair, that was all he asked for. When Lionel appeared he was hardly very impressed with seeing the state he was in, simply sighing and dismissing it; although Gage thought otherwise. Gage was always the curious one, even if it was none of his business. He could guarantee that if he came around the corner looking like Lionel Gage would just laugh at him and make fun of him for the rest of the day. Folding his arms as Gage dealt with Lionel he sighed, shaking his head before looking to Lionel, his eyes briefly going to his hand on his shoulder before back again. Frowning, he waved his hand off quickly, not impressed with his casual teasing. “It’s going to be easy and if they’re rubbish at it then that’s not my problem! Just go out and be the little gatherer instead of bothering me”. -- Cecil stared at Nymira as she told him off, drilling into his head that what he did was wrong. He didn’t know what he was supposed to say to that, he just did what he thought was right and did try to stop it, but he wasn’t strong enough. He understood that it was his own fault for getting so badly damaged and he did try to apologise, but it still hurt that even when he tried his best he still got a telling off for it. Lowering his head briefly he made a slight turn but was caught by Nymira by his shoulder, gasping as he looked back at her. He didn’t understand why she was so angry with him all of a sudden and so demanding, but it scared him. He didn’t mean for it to be seen as heroics nor foolish, he had managed to save her but all he was getting was told off for it. He had tried his best, his abilities just weren’t strong enough to withstand the attack. For all that he did he just wanted to save her, he didn’t want to make her mad over it. Once she stepped back he made a step back as well, his hands grasping one another as if trying to shield himself from her if she tried to grab him again. He didn’t know what could be done to increase his defence, even if Norman found something for him he still wasn’t going to be able to do anything about extreme damage if he got careless which was something that seemed to happen often. He had very little faith in himself to do something right, even if he thought he had done right by trying to block the damage for her. Apparently that little faith he carried should be no faith because what a lot of good it did him to even have that much in the first place. He really was simply useless, he couldn’t do anything right. Not really knowing what he was supposed to do he simply stood still, feeling like that was all he was supposed to do. They had made so many new friends and allies, none of them really knowing what he was like since he had obviously been in pieces when they first saw him. He was just a normal Machina to them and that was how he should act when they greatly outnumbered them all. It was a really big building with quite a lot of people, if they found out he was capable of greater thinking and emotion they would probably see him as a threat and try to pull him apart or secretly call those men in suits to get him. Not only was he a danger in battle he was a danger to himself and everyone he knew, it wouldn’t be logical for him to act like himself. He had a lot on his mind now, all ranging from him being a screw up while also having to put on an act to hide his emotions. He needed to be a regular Machina, not whatever he was really. Looking to Ethan briefly when he mentioned food, his eyes going to Nymira who agreed. There they were, going to go off for their little social time that they enjoyed so much but he couldn’t enjoy at all. He wasn’t jealous of their ability to enjoy something like that, it just kicked him in with how different he was compared to them. They did so much he couldn’t take part in, he was always the odd one out in their little social events. It really hurt when it wasn’t supposed to, but not in a way any of them could understand. They had all grown so close, just from taking part in all these get-togethers while he felt he was growing distant, his role as a combat Machina only being drilled into his head the more he was reminded how useless he was at actual combat. “…No. I need to go to Norman. I was told to go to Norman”, he spoke, sounding rather robotic as he kept his eyes off Nymira, “I don’t have time to waste doing…organic social activities…” He didn’t even know if he was going to go immediately to the workshop or even find Norman there if he actually did. He figured Norman would be away out doing whatever he wanted after working on him for so long. He had used so much time of others and so much money and resources too, his guilt pretty strong and only growing worse the more he was around the others. It wasn’t fair that he had taken so much from them and being unable to pay it back, it just made him feel worse.