So. Let's do this properly. First of all: I've been specifically asked to handle this in Tezcatlipoca's stead, as I am nominally the thread GM and also because I'm far calmer and more able to deal with horse manure than Tez is. You're talking to me now, not Tez. Second of all: Decoy, Keileon, all you other TZDL guys? Kindly stay the fuck out. This has nothing to do with Mobius' tournament, and your input is neither required nor desired. And thirdly: Xavier, people who are interested in resolving issues honorably do [i]not[/i] write disgusting, "I am literally shitting down the other guy's neck" autokill posts without warning, on the thin and flimsy justification of 'my opponent won't talk to me anymore, and I don't like how they're treating my powers!'. You posted that pile of moose dung knowing full well it would provoke anger, arguments, and Problems; you don't get to play the injured fucking party here. You had the same option LeeRoy executed back when his fight with me turned sour - simply stop posting and move on. LeeRoy got to keep his dignity, nobody remembers or cares about that old fight anymore, and furthermore he gets to take another crack at us because he hasn't shown us blatant disrespect and flung filth in our faces. Saying "I know this will cause disagreement but I don't care" doesn't resolve you of having thrown the first pooball. Tez was perfectly willing to just let this thing fade away unremarked on. Now she's not. Now [i]I'm[/i] not. Twice before, I argued Tez down when you made [i]grievous[/i] errors that should have earned you serious damage, counseling moderation in the interests of a clean fight. Your hand-to-hand is sloppy, your timescaling issues are severe, and now your honor is deeply in question. Tez gets to write one post doing whatever she likes, because hey - [i]you[/i] got to write one post doing whatever [i]you[/i] liked. Fair is fair. After that, someone's going to tell me how to close this thread because nobody needs or wants another Negatomsk vs. Doc three-page shitfest. You, Xavier Bloodbayne, are off our radar forevermore. Don't ever bother asking for another fight with us, Luchalliance or otherwise. Don't bother Rilla trying to cry to Papa that the mean nasty masked guys are bullying you - this is an off-the-books unranked fight nobody cares about save you and us, the man has better ways to spend his time than being dragged through the mud a second time for this crap. What you can do right now is simple - shut your mouth, let Tez have her post, then go and be about your life. Don't argue, don't yell, don't throw more fits in public. Just shut up and [i]go away[/i]. We'll do the same.