It's very obvious to me that you don't know me or understand who I am in the slightest. To think that what you say to me or how you say it is going to hurt my feelings and make me 'run to Papa' is ludicrous. I will say; AGAIN; that I don't care what you have to say about it in the slightest because it's already done and over with in my world. I posted my proof showing that I was being ignored when I was trying to finish the fight. Everyone here can see that. I'm sorry that you don't agree with this. It's a shame that someone from a 'Lucha-lliane' would act so dishonorably as to leave an opponent hanging with no contact and then proceed to cry when the opponent didn't bend over backwarda for them anymore. You guys were never on my radar in the first place, I barely even know any of you so I feel like I just got banned from a restaurant I never ate at because I complained that it took a month to get my meal. I wanted am entertaining fight and I never even got that. I was powergamed from practically the 2nd post and yet I still continued. Also; I never "Shit down someones throat". El Rey's body was torn apart by Dread Energy by entering the his body through the weakest point; his now severed head. You guys can do whatever you want and you won't hear me cry about it. Tell Tez to post his outcome and we will just have different histories. [H3]I'm sorry your fighter doesn't know how to hit the "Send Reply" button.[/h3] P.S. I like how you say "Let's do this properly" and yet completely ignore the fact that your fighter willingly ignored me and basically said to me that he quit by doing so.