[center][h2]Death Rattle[/h2] [i]Themerlinhawk[/i] Megelis, Ralrisk Day 1, Morning[/center] Megelis stood outside in the center courtyard of the Tower. It was a massive practice field that was half way up the Tower itself and open to the sky. Sweet beaded on his brow as his left hand rest casually on the paired straight swords on his left hip. More narrow than a Hand and a half sword the two he wore were closer to that of a Jewel Coast straight sword. Sipping from the water bottle he’d brought with him the morning had been about as straightforward as they came. Ever since he’d left Korvan the routine had been the same, wake up, train, eat, study, train, sleep. The addition of periodic missions fought the boredom. It was a much better life than before running his hand through his hair the swordsman picked up his tablet off a table next to his gear. Pushing his earbud back in he began the process of picking up his gear only to have Senechal ping through. Tapping the tablet he opened the directive. Megelis almost spit out his water at the name on the directive. Ris. At least she wasn't running the operation. It was Adela, he could work with her. No magic, no bullshit, shitty past, the two were practically peas in a pod, except for the fact that they never worked together and he knew almost nothing about her besides the fact that she was ex Stygian Blade. Packing away the rest of his gear took but a moment. He needed a shower before he collected up the other four in the list: Crow, Ayala, Nathan and Markus. The two spooks and then...Nathan, he was never sure what to make of the gun wielding wizard. Markus was sort of a non starter for Megelis since they rarely had cause to actually work together, Artisans were rarely sent on the missions he was sent on. Walking into one of the elevators Megelis slung his bag and hit the button for the barracks floor. Might as well find Markus, no doubt he could be found in his room as the hacker was no doubt allergic to things like fresh air and sunshine. The ride down to the barrack level was uneventful and with purposeful strides the swordsman approached the annex following Seneschals directions to Markus room. With a balled fist the swordsman rapped on the solid metal door. Megelis had always wondered about the doors, they always struck him as bulkhead or prison doors but he’d never had cause to question them beyond his own musings. “Markus, I don’t know if you’ve looked at your comms but we’ve got a job, mate.” Folding his arms Megelis settled in to wait, hopefully not long. Crow wouldn’t be a problem but the other two would actually need to be located given that Nathan was no doubt out and about while Ayala was the sort that avoided open scrutiny. [hr] Stepping off the elevator near the Captain’s Quarters Ralrisk made a beeline for Adela’s room. The Captain was still in her quarters as far as Senechal could tell. One of the perks of being a Mistress, you got to know where everyone in the Tower was. With the exception of Lady Silver but Ris could live without that piece of info. Besides if she really needed to Calrisa it was just a matter of getting Sentinel to send her the Tower’s feeds. Approaching the door to Adela’s room, Ralrisk rapped on it loudly. The ex Stygian Blade muscle was perfect for this mission since the district they were sending the team into should been part of the Captain’s old stomping ground. Though hopefully the mission would be quick and uneventful. Ris still wasn't sure why Lady silver had sent the team to grab the corpse she’d brought back but it was clear on its own the body hadn't been enough. It was unusual for the Tower to send Artisans into the field like this. Let alone Crow, not that the necromancer couldn't handle himself it was just rare for them to need his specific capabilities as the Towers pathologist outside of the Tower’s Lab. Ris waited patiently for Adela to answer her door. Hopefully Megelis wasn't going to be a jerk and ignore her message. As far as Ralrisk was concerned there was no low he would not stoop to. With a decided sniff she pushed the thoughts away. [I]Jerk[/i] [@CollectorOfMyst][@Monochromatic Rainbow]