[color=9e0b0f]"I hardly think you could judge any of us, as someone who didn't bother to help at all in the battle."[/color] The teen growls, being more than frustrated at what was left implied by Gem, though it wasn't just the old man that pissed him off; the purple-haired girl and blonde jackass would come to mind. Lobo kneels down to pet one of the ethereal fiery wolves that ran back up to his side, he eyes the monster trapped within the cage of shadow, [color=9e0b0f]"Besides if it weren't for the others being nearby I definitely would have had little trouble with torching up that thing. Weaklings tend to do that."[/color] Clearly displaying his savage streak before he gets on his feet and walks up to Gem, the pyromaniac looked down onto the older man with a cold gleam in his eyes, [color=9e0b0f]"I'll stay and hear whatever you have left to stay. This world has some precious few things I want to protect after all.[/color]