[hider=Lux] Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/b0kyHyd.jpg[/img] Name: Lux Domain: Purity She loves purity and commands her worshipers to strive for it as best as they could. Purity here means keeping oneself clean from filth and sin. From keeping your house clean to not engaging in an unchaste relationship, it's under her commandments. She can sense sin and filth and will punish her followers who willfully engage in such things. She has her Order of the Pure Ones, which consists of knights and paladins whose job is to protect her weaker followers for impurity and to fight against it. The Order's members would be granted the ability to detect sin and impurity around them, so it's pretty much suicide to lie to them to hide your sinful activities. Her followers mainly use light magic and light divine miracles in general. She doesn't forbid her followers from using other type of magics as long as it's not something filthy and abominable like necromancy and blood magic. Her light magic ranges from powerful healing magic, able to heal the strongest curses and diseases as they are all impure, to holy magic that will burn all impure beings on sight. Ability: 1. Impurity Detection She is able to detect any impurity in the world. Her more devout followers have the same ability, though with a far lesser range. This results in her territory being a place free of corruption, though outsiders might feel averse in visiting especially if they're a habitual sinner. 2. Cleansing Touch She can heal any disease or curse that ails someone as they count as impurities. However, she cannot cleanse the mind of a sinner as corruption in the mind is beyond her. Besides, she respects free will and she knows that even the purest human will still have dirty, unclean thoughts, no matter how small. As long as they don't act on it however, she doesn't mind. Like before, she grants this ability to her followers as well, turning some of them into masterful healers. 3. Protection From Impurity She can erect a barrier that protects one from outside impurity, ranging from curses to a succubus' unnaturally seductive charms. It also protects from other mind-altering magic like berserk or confusion. Like before, this ability is shared to her followers. 4. Light of Purity She can summon a light beam that will burn all impure objects into dust. The more impure the target is, the more effective it will be. Her followers can cast it as well but their light doesn't compare to her own, which can annihilate a corrupted city in one strike. 5. Purity Enhancement She can bless various weapons, armors, and trinkets with her power, making them grant power to its wearer as long as the wearer is pure. The purer the wearer is, the stronger the effect will be. On the other hand, a sinful person will feel weakened or even pained when they wear them. 6. Relic of Purification She can create relics that would generate a barrier that will clean and ward off impurities in a certain range. Its effects range from warding off diseases to making the temptation of doing sinful things more manageable. It also has a calming effect on her believers, while doing the opposite to sinful folks, making them feel more nervous and paranoid. Personality: Serious and addresses her followers with an impassionate expression. Reasonable, but can be ruthless to those she deems not worthy of her mercy. As long as you follow her commandments, she will never abandon you. Has a sharp gaze that seems to drill into the head of anyone she looks at. Sometimes makes a small joke here and there but thanks to her followers being all serious and thinking that she doesn't tolerate any tomfoolery, usually no one will react to it or even think that she's saying it for real, which just annoys her since explaining the joke ruins it. [/hider]