Okay I'm only putting these out here in an incomplete state cause I'm typing this in the bathroom stall at work because creativity doesn't give a flip where you are when it hits you. I have two ideas that I want to run by the advanced section in hopes one of them garners enough interest. The first idea, in memory of the Netflix Original that shouldn't have died, is based on the show Sense8. For those of you who have not seen it, the story would be about eight individuals born at the exact same time all over the world, one day they are psychicly "birthed" as Homo Sensorium and all 8 people share a collective subconcious, feel what each other are feeling, have access to each other's abilities, and can sort of astral project to visit one of the other 8. Soon after they discover who they are they discover an evil international organization seeks to kill them and use their brain dead bodies as assassins. Everyone would control one of the Sensorium and several NPCs, and would be expected to write extensive descriptions of their character's thoughts and feelings. The second idea is drastically different. In the future on a distant planet called Vorwal, the Coalition of Earth seeks to colonize a new section of the galaxy. Scientist on Vorwal have been experimenting with human DNA in hopes of creating a method for humanity to be more fit to explore worlds of vastly different climates, to be able to adapt to their surroundings. One thing lead to another and the experiment goes totally wrong. A group of participants are injected with a new serum in hopes to maximize certain bodily processes that can get in the way of exploration. The serum causes each participants DNA to become incredibly unstable, forcing evolution on them and turning them into something between human and monster. Aware of their humanity, they begin to work with scientists for a cure... But not before the military gets word and seeks to use the participants as weapons against a rival faction in space. Players will take control of the participants and will explore their newfound powers while being put on deadly missions as makeshift soldiers. The story will fluctuate between discovering a corrupt government and searching desperately for a cure.