Well, this will prove interesting to say the least. I started Roleplaying over on Fanfiction.com but I've been itching to find more original, active roleplays so here I am. I can't give you an exact timeline of when I started other than it was years ago. I prefer more detailed roleplays rather than one-liners but I can make do with them. As for favorite Genre, I mostly enjoy fantasy and sci-fi, but I'm willing to broaden my horizons as long as it doesn't involve horror or any relationship that isn't straight. As for my other hobbies, I enjoy some video games and movies, I like to spend a lot of time creating new characters whether I RP with them or not and researching various battles and engagements in WW2, mainly because most of the people who live nearby are veterans, that and the fact that there is a private collection of old warbirds on display nearby too.