[@The Wild West], [@ScreenAcne], at least ask of me a stay of execution if you have any effort left to give at all. I know I must seem ban-happy at this point, but I would really rather see as many people stay on as possible. That said, if you've given up already, I'll have to leave [@Sentel] and [@Deadnaut] with a disappointing second round. In other news, my journey to foreign lands is half over. I like what's been going on during this time, but I also have no qualms with anyone initiating PVP. Pacing is something I'm not especially concerned about. If I could choose between fast or slow, I'd choose fast, but I never planned to try and drag out the Crucible to a certain length; if we got down to business and finished before the next semester began, I would be just as happy as if it finished by Christmas. I want my players to have a fun experience, whether combat, storytelling, or adventuring. If you're drawing a blank on when to send your character next, feel free to find your opponent and get down to brass tacks. I know that my next post will come soon.