[quote=@Patches] Thinking of making HK a succubus type demon or something. I like the idea of a plus sized succubus. [/quote] FRIKIN DO IT OMG [quote=@Cherrywitch] [@bmxbrat484] ... yeah, for me it's more I have a crush on Maou... I swear, this is why I don't have a boyfriend, none of them match up to hotty-anime-boy levels. [sub]Or it might just be that I'm a psycho bitch but that's only what the voices in my head say[/sub] [/quote] OOOooooo, can my voices be friends with yours? [s]Then maybe they'll stop telling me to set things on fire.[/s] [RIGHT][sub]I should watch what I say before the CIA flags me[/sub][/RIGHT]