Argor looked the man next to him and smiled at his words, “[color=ed1c24]Because of what and who I am Violence is always to be expected[/color]” he watched the smooth motion of the mans blade movement and came to a conclusion about this mans past, “[i][color=ed1c24]Assassin[/color][/i]” he whispers and turns to the girl mimicking him. Her question and her ability to try to mimic him was in a way flattering yet annoying, “[i][color=ed1c24]Changeling[/color][/i]” again he whispered before talking louder, “[color=ed1c24]gar cuyir a adiik, Draar ve'ganir o'r ner ara[/color]” it was a test to see if she would be able to repeat his language. “[color=ed1c24]The boy does not care what you do, and neither do I[/color]” he seemed to pause again as he looked at his would be attacker a bit closer, [color=ed1c24]“that girl does look familiar doesn't she victor? Perhaps one of the ones that escaped the masters cages?” [/color]This time victor chimed in, [i][color=39b54a]“don't instigate the girl, remember we don't want to start a conflict.”[/color][/i] Argor continued to talk aloud to himself, [color=ed1c24]“I'm not trying to start a fight I'm simply speaking aloud since there are two of us in here you know.”[/color] the man paused for a moment as if deciding what to do, “[i][color=39b54a]this place makes me uneasy[/color][/i]” victor chimed in again, “[color=ed1c24]stating the obvious boy, your instincts are tuned into a different world. Who is to say that running in this instance is the right thing to do?” [/color]Still, Argor and Victor both knew that getting to high ground would give them a better view of the land and looked to be free of this color changing grass. This approach was cautious and costly to protect yourself from something that was not understood and merely a guess. “[color=ed1c24]Well I suppose we can test out the man eating grass question later[/color]” this time speaking to those nearby. They seemed to be deciding what to do while losing daylight, “[color=ed1c24]well I don't know about the rest of you but I'm going to those hills, at least there I can get a better vantage point of the landscape.” [/color]without waiting for the others Argor began to proceed towards the stone covered hills. [@Force and Fury][@Esailia][@Regitnui][@Yuuta] (Translation roughly translates to “you are a child, don't get in my way” Language Mando'a)