Hey, I used to be super active on this forum. Ended up having to abandon my profile (and a few rps) because of life. Hope you guys will take me. [hider=Clarence Frontwater] [img]http://game.matomame.jp/assets/images/matome/e2d77ab2e7da6d93aba4/5d56100a142406063cb584826d290271.jpg?t=1452329384[/img] [b]Name[/b]:Clarence Frontwater [b]Nickname(s)[/b]:Known as Frontwater to most of his friends. [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Sexuality[/b]: Heterosexual [b]Age of Death[/b]:22 [b]Occupation[/b]: Musician, nihilist extraordinare [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Appearance Description[/b]: 6ft, 180 lbs. Leanly built. Dark hair, usually disheveled. Clothes worn are usually nice but disheveled as well. Has lacerations along wrist, along with the glazed-over eyes of an OD victim. [b]Personality[/b]: A nihilist, through and through. His existence doesnt mean anything, life doesn't mean anything, nothing means anything. He's also an Atheist, so this all is a bit confusing. Clarence is a ball of irritated smart assness. [b]History[/b]: After his band (who he was the lead singer of) released a monumentally successful, critically acclaimed album, Clarence fell into a bout of depression. He believed that he would never create anything as great as that album. He began abusing drugs to try and get that Creative spirit he now lacked. After the release of the band's follow up album, which, while still well received, was not the classic that the previous one was, he committed suicide, believing that his life might as well be over. [/Hider]