[@beyond visions] Okay, so there's three of us in the one area, with ten soldiers with gun coming at us and the entire area is darkened? The others already escaped through the vents, which are still open and the only reasonable exit? Do I have the scenario right here? If that's the case, I have a decent idea of where to go from there. [@ZeroCuero] Can just jump up to the vents without a problem. [@omerta] If you want, we could collab something. My character might have his moment of good and help you into the vents, since you have nothing to get yourself up there otherwise. And I can wall crawl stealthy and silently... That's my current idea, anyhow. Since they seem to already not be able to catch anyone else going through the vents, and bullets would likely not slow me down or effect me in any serious capacity. Though being untrained fleeing is still probably easier than going up against ten people, even if my character trusted any one else to help.