[quote=@Prince of Seraphs] Don't be dead. Also sorry my delayed post. I discovered three weeks ago that while I have the requite classes and credits to get my diploma I'm missing a Christian Ethics credit which is required to attend the grad ceremony so I've been working myself to the bone on cyberschool to get it done before the deadline. On top of that I've got play practice for the local company's rendition of Monty Python's Spamalot which opens in three and a half weeks so we're practicing four hours a day. I promise just as soon as I can that I'll get a post up that propels Oswald into a situation where he can interact with people who aren't stuck on my stupid busy schedule. [/quote] Thx bby iku <4 And yeah, school can be a bitch and a half. Ive been pretty busy with work and Breath of the Wild anyway, along with my laptop recently breaking, soooooo I probably wouldnt even ne able to make a good response Also, heart seems to be alright. Cartilage strain/damage is our next suspect. Also found out the nature of my arrythmia: a benign right valve blockage