Upon closer inspection, the locust creatures bared vague human like features. Such as arms and human like legs, while hard to tell with most of them being partially submerged in the water. The locust creatures all seemed to be staring in the same direction, in the direction of the tower in the center. But, despite not looking to face Urik, they still spoke. They spoke one after another. Some of them speaking together, others by themselves. Some of them sat with their hands clasped, as if praying. [i]Kill the Good Father... Kill him and we'll be free. They'll all be free.[/i] [i]"Stab the left eye. Stab the left eye."[/i] [i]"The Good Father created this world. We were created from the Father"[/i] [i]"Rotting away. His world. His body. His mind. Destroy him. Destroy this rotted world."[/i] [i]"Pray to the pale daughter. Trapped in a world of decay. Pray for the One-Eyed Daughter. Filed down by pain."[/i]