[quote=@The 42nd Gecko] Artoria: Super fucking broken compared to the other PCs, but still not enough to meaningfully affect the battlefield. Putting all her power behind an attack, with type advantage and the supposedly stolen powers of a Faction Leader, is enough to block about a tenth of an attack of a faction leader who is also doing like five other things in the same turn across the entire battlefield. [/quote] Hey, I though that this deal had already gotten explained. She can blow up a nice hole on the factory. The only thing I don't want to is that whatever you do with Artoria doesn't end up blowing the whole KC-00032 in one attack. If it wasn't for Artoria the demons would probably be losing even harder. I mean, the main reason for that is because a RL steel production plant is huge (as in several square kilometers huge). KC-00032 being a beefed up fantasy version of them (like everything on the Nexus), must be the around half of the size of a place like Manhattan (The external parts cover about the same amount of terrain. It's a huge industrial complex, so blowing it up in one go is a bit disproportionate. I hope that this sense of scale helped you people envisioning things the same way as I do.