[@TheWindel] This discussion has been illuminating, regardless of its effects. As for the leviathan breath, right now, I THINK, we're discussing "what would actually happen if Artoria chose that option". I believe current is "Artoria gets to deal some* damage to the factory and protects herself just fine" and I'm arguing for "If I'm really supposed to be the Faction Leader Level threat for the Demons, wouldn't I block the half of the plasma heading for the upper levels, thus shielding everyone on the upper levels in addition to myself?" *I still don't feel bad about using superlative language threatening to blow up the factory. Everything was phrased in a "the factory MIGHT blow up" tone, and Ciel's bull used "supernova" to describe one of her attacks, which, even if the super factory is the size of a fucking solar system, instead of the size of Manhattan, an actual supernova would still wipe it out like it was a saltine cracker in the pacific ocean.