[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Emmie Adams[/color][/h1] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/bf996fce47e5dc739e6e5c1bab9f1ab6/tumblr_mn40py5iSV1qhdswno5_400.gif[/img] [I]Location: 7th Floor Coventry Hotel (December 29th, 2016) -> Attic Coventry Hotel (December 29th, 1929) Interacting With: [@Morose] Aloise Zamora, Andromeda Aldrich, Fairfax, Folly Valeska & [@Witch Cat] Eudora Erebus.[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Once Emmie had opened the door she looked at it with a very confused look wonder how this was even possibly or why there was a portal was like something out of a scifi movie to her. As Emmie stared down into the portal she felt a slight pull coming from it, but she remained pretty still, as Emmie slowly turned her head to look at Andromeda and then Aloise. Emmie gave a slight nod, she wasn't sure about it at all as Emmie was about to take a step back she could hear the portal screeching and then witnessed Andromeda suddenly getting sucked into the portal. Emmie was about to turn and make her way to Aloise, screaming as she tried to reach for Aloise before being sucked into the portal herself. Emmie continued her scream as she was spit out of the very same wardrobe landing onto the floor, feeling completely disoriented and confused. Emmie's eyes slowly started to scan around the room it felt like the room was a lot younger then it actually was she saw that the hole in the floor was gone she was actually back in the attic. Emmie then flinched slightly when she heard a man's voice and then a woman's looking over seeing Fairfax, as well as Folly and Eudora stand in front of them. Emmie looked completely and utterly confused at the whole situation that she found herself in looking at Fairfax, his clothing looked completely different from everyone elses. [color=cyan]"What the hell is going on? And no not really I don't know them well."[/color] Emmie asked as she stood up dusting herself off, then looked back towards Folly remembering what had happened to Alex earlier in the day. [color=cyan]"You were in that dumbwaiter weren't you?"[/color] Emmie asked.