[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Anthony Ryder[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m64uoyetGy1r9413r.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Anthony quietly hummed himself a little tune as he continued to make his breakfast once it was finished looking down at it smiling at his work that he had finished. Pouring the scrambled eggs onto a plate Anthony then went over towards the cupboard pulling out some salt and pepper, then made his way over to the fridge pulling himself a half empty bottle of hot sauce putting some onto the scrambled eggs. He started to make his way over towards his computer and sat down letting out a slightly annoyed sigh when he could get much from the Earth servers on the internet. But it was something he couldn't control at all as Anthony leaned back eating his scrambled egg. Anthony decided to just read over the news on what was happening locally around him for anything that was interesting, while also opening up another window to answer and read over some Emails for anything to do. Running a hand through his hair as he continued to eat away at his breakfast enjoying his food. Once the plate was finished Anthony got up and made his way setting the plate into the sink with his pile of dirty dishes that he hadn't gotten a chance to clean yet. He also checked his fridge opening it up again noting that he did actually need to do a little bit of shopping later as well before closing the door again and walked back towards his computer to look over some emails.