I'm all up for using anime physics to get shit done, and far be it from me to play hard about real life stuff, but there's a certain suspension of disbelief about this sort of stuff. Grafdakka is suppose to be one of the toughest motherfuckers on the board, made specifically to survive everyone's instant kill attacks and do harm to them too, but trying to pull that off has put me through the wringer for stuff like "Ignoring" attacks, whether they come from one of KoL's characters or someone else. Or even right now where I'd like to use anime logic to think that Endian could somehow survive a ground zero self-destruct from Grafdakka, but I'm hesitant to do that because I know if I can pull that off, than surely anyone else could too. Call it meta gaming if you'd like, but Endian isn't a power house on her own. Certainly doesn't have the same level of deadliness or durability as Grafdakka does. But if she could survive Grafdakka's self-destruct explosion, even if she did prepare before hand, what's to say that Anata couldn't also make all the correct split second decisions to also nullify any harm from the self-destruct and somehow survive? Then I'd be up shit creek without a paddle because I basically had to sacrifice my ultimate armor and weapon in a glorious explosion miles underground, and because of anime logic that might not actually kill anyone. And if that happens with Grafdakka, what's the chances that Endian could preform any better? Granted it's not like I have any other options. But the point is that this battle isn't any different from the previous ones at all. No real balance, no real purpose, and no real motive to go all out or try to have fun knowing that you're just going to get one-upped and the GM's have to decide who wins in the end because everyone is trying very hard not to die. [quote=@The 42nd Gecko] [@Lucius Cypher] Ah yeah, you're right. I forgot about that one. I was going to have Machina infiltrators spot for me originally, but then I thought Eos killed them all, and forgot that would change Artoria knowing about it. But then the machina infiltrators weren't all killed off for reals. So.. I'm really not sure how it should have gone down. [/quote] It's already happened so there isn't anything to do about it. But again, it's just another case of a failure in communication destroying an opportunity to enjoy something. I thought it would've been interesting to see the demons and machina fight for the suits and maybe some of the machina coordinating to use the suits, but only Ryo bothered to utilize them and you stole the other easy easily as stealing candy from a baby. Maybe they were suppose to be better protected, but if so no one bothered to do that. Which in this RP basically means it's free game for anyone to just waltz in and take it.