Matthias = Kyoya Harrison = Mori Neil and Nick = The Hitachian Brothers Jack = Shy/Cute type, a less outgoing, less cake obsessed Honey sort of type Phillip = Tamaki. [hider=Matthias Jones][img][/img] Name: Matthias Age: 16 Favourite Subjects: Business, English Language, Mathematics, Science Likes: Money, hosting, logic, working. Dislikes: Loosing money, Phillip (At times), snowy weather, being awoken. [/hider] [hider=Harrison Green] Name: Harrison Age: 17 Favourite Subjects: History, Geography. Likes: Marital Arts, Hosting, being quiet. Dislikes: Bulllies, having to lie. [img][/img][/hider] [hider=Neil and Nick Quiqley][img][/img] Names: Neil, Nick. Age: 15 Favourite Subjects: Neil: Art, Maths, History Nick: Science, English, Art Likes: (Both) Their twin brother, annoying others (Phillip mostly), pulling pranks. Dislikes: Bullies, snobbish females, Phillip (At times.).[/hider] [hider=Phillip James][img][/img] Name: Phillip Age: 16 Favourite Subjects: English, Music, Drama, Dance. (Anything he can show off in) Likes: Women, hosting, showing off, playing the piano. Dislikes: The twins (At time), not getting to show off, gay people (At first) [/hider] [hider=Jack] Name: Jack Age: 15 Favourite Subjects: Art, English, Drama and Dance Likes: Cute things, his twin sister, men. Dislikes: Storms, Spiders, Being Bullied, seeing his twin hurt or upset. To many, Jack’s way of life is considered immoral and disgusting. Why? He is gay. He's never really been brave enough to come out to anyone at all, and as a result, has only ever told his twin sister, who he is very close to indeed, and spends most of his time with. With her being in the maid club, and himself in the host club, he despises the time away from her, and having to host even more, but knows it'll be worth it in the end. He's friends with those in the Host Club, of course, but he'd much rather be entertaining men along with his twin, and working with her to create a new act between them. None the less, he adores her regardless, and will often sneak away form the Hosts and into the Maid Club, being the only host accepted into there.[/hider]