"It's pretty.. I like it." She heard the girl say. Beatrice smiled once again at Lisanna, this time ecstatic that she was friendly. She then looked to the horns that Belphehor decided to sprout. She put a hand over her mouth, hoping to hide her surprised look. It wasn't that it was odd, it was that she was almost entirely certain he hadn't had them a moment ago? "[color=fff79a]That's really neat[/color]." She said lightly, fighting the strong urge to reach out and touch one. She decided it would be best to hold her hands at her chest for now. "... [color=00746b]been to a volcano before.[/color]" Beatrice paused, blinking as if she had dejá vu, before she turned her head and stared at--the--Clarence Frontwater. She tried to say hello, but she stammered out a dumb "[color=fff79a]h-here,[/color]" as she palmed the lighter she had in her skirt pocket and held it out for him, staring with big, brown eyes and a fangirlish look of surprise and glee and disappointment all at once. She was kind of hoping for a sister album to Bummy--or at least a third studio album or something.