I'd like to talk about these issues. Recently some new groups have been migrating to the Guild. It's worth noting that every group has its own little culture and style, and sometimes these cultures clash. It might be violent and fast, or slow and private, like the Cold War. But why do they clash? It actually goes very deep. Every group has its set of veterans that want to make a strong impression. Sometimes this ambition for victory can override sense and/or compassion, and overall ruin the experience we're supposed to share. It's about enjoying how your lovingly made characters interact in interesting combat scenarios, and pulling off moves hatched from your own unique imagination. Winning is great and all, winning is the resolution, but it must not be all-encompassing. Fun and friendship take priority every time. We aren't fighting for our lives, or to prove some existential point. If you lose, you simply learn from the experience and avoid the same mistake again, have some more fun the next time. I've seen this little competitive gist before. A refusal to bend, an unyielding belief that your culture is superior. It kills the spirit of the game. I know what it feels like to want to win badly. It's like a dull razor in the tissues of the heart, stressing you to avoid loss no matter what. The only thing that feeling will earn you is a messy debate. I've been recently guilty of this in great severity, the sin of fighting out of anger. A textplay fight should never be started or finished in anger. Keep in mind how subjective and complex a form of gaming this is. It absolutely requires equal parts cooperation to be enjoyable, unless your idea of enjoyment is forcing a majority/judicial vote where your only prize is a pat on the back from your clique and a grudge from freshly made enemies. Let's start over, huh? C'mon Lucha guys. Goofs were made, many of which were our fault. Now, let's broaden the definition of 'our' so it includes -everyone-. I apologize for all that's transpired here, so let's cease pointing fingers and sharpening egos, and start hugging it out. Forget everything that's just happened, blank slate time. Fuck favoritism and keeping reputations, fuck cliques. In the immortal words of Mills Lane, "Let's get it on!"