[quote]Your Servant died?" "Hey, wait a minute...that gaudy dude mentioned someone was about to lose their servant when I got brought here...did you come here from the graveyard?"[/quote] His brow twitched. Nakae glowered for a moment, although not really at her. Ah, it was a good thing he couldn’t see things on himself, or otherwise… [color=662d91]“Yeah, I did.” [/color] His attention returned to the supervisor. The odds that were probably very generous on part of this judge, this... Ruler told him were received with a nod. He knew that, he knew that he was basically going to die if he fought. It wasn't anything brave. It was only brave to gamble with something if it had worth and was important. If it was something that didn't really matter whether you had it or not then there wasn't any bravery in risking it. He wasn’t brave at all. But he was rather grateful about that salvation from that the gaudy man granted him. [color=662d91]"Yeah... thanks for that." [/color]He couldn't meet the man's shade-covered eyes and instead looked over to a corner that didn't seem to have anyone lingering. [color=662d91]"Yeah, it wouldn't just be death. You saved me in more ways than you know with that."[/color] He slinked back towards the pews, silent as the conversation turned to the strange happenings and monsters that plagued this war that were apparently very abnormal. If that was normal, in any sort of degree then what would be abnormal? He didn’t want to know, not at all. He was abnormally powerful, strange, and apparently something that made Ruler feel disturbed, even as he accepted the existence of that. He couldn’t believe he would feel something worse than that, But… [quote]"So, the solution here seems really simple to me. How about we stop fucking fighting each other, chasing after everyone's favorite Magical Big Gulp like a pack of autistic ferrets, because you can damn well guess that's what he's hoping we do. He's given no indication that he can or will attack a group, so we make a fucking group and come down on his ass like an eighteen-wheeler."[/quote] He stepped out again after taking a glance at every other person present. He couldn’t beat them, he couldn’t beat their servants, not even if he knew about them. If he knew something then maybe… he’d at least know how deep a hole he was digging himself. He couldn’t do anything alone, he needed to know more and try. This was a way to fulfill both of those criteria. He’d be seen as weak maybe, being the first to latch on like this. He was weak, and there was nothing wrong with being seen as that. He didn’t have anything to be prideful about now, especially as he could still taste the tinge of sour of whatever mess the traces of his last meal was. Actually, despite everything he felt pretty hungry and thirsty. [color=662d91]"I'm going to a convenience store first however."[/color]