[@Atroposer][@Skinner35] "Nope," said Daren, clearly becoming frustrated. But not by Arin's petulance; that was almost amusing. "Okay, so maybe you haven't realized, but you're prisoners. Captured. Kidnapped. We aren't exactly in the medical business here. In fact, our one medical professional is off getting drunk somewhere. Stupid German. I mean, I love alcohol as much as the next bloke, but come on. We got company. Anyway..." Daren walked around the table toward them. He sat on the table, in the very narrow spot between them. The knife was on the table, a couple feet behind him. Had he forgotten about it or was it intentional? It was a pretty small weapon, with only a 3-inch blade. It was entirely possible, he simply missed it, as the small handle and old, rust-brown blade blended in well with the oak table. "Oh yeah," said Daren, thumbing over his shoulder at the meat. "That's the last two recruits who decided they were too good for us." He peered down at Arin. "You're already halfway there. So remember that next time ye wanna run yer mouth, aye?" He then turned to Kim as she hesitantly drank the juice, discovering it was in fact, just cranberry juice. "See? No poison or blood or anything. Now...we can discuss yer places here." Daren interlocked his fingers together and cracked his knuckles, staring at the door behind them.