[@Skinner35][@Atroposer] Daren watched Kim eat, a morbid interest in his green eyes. He stood up slowly, patting Arin on the back, as he sauntered back around to the other side of the table. "The Sons o' Winter wanna use yer strengths and skills," Daren said as he gestured to them, "in our takeover of small, but important locations and organizations around the world. A couple police precincts here, a few local banks there. Sure, the Purifier's got monies, but he wants more power. The problem with past world-conquerors was they were so damn obvious. Genghis Khan. Alexander the Great. Hitler. Stalin. Clinton. They just amassed armies and invaded countries, never realizing that they were small potatoes compared to those who had long-since taken over the banking institutions and governments of the world through stealth. Well, now it's the Purifier's turn. But first...a little indoctrination. See, human flesh doesn't need any additives or mind-altering chemicals. Human DNA [i]is[/i] mind-altering if the right amount is consumed; ever hear of those stories about cannibals going insane? And if we feed ye nothin' else, ye'll have no choice but to eat it. I don't think either one o' ya are selfless enough to starve to death for yer principles, if ye have any."