[@Guardian Angel Haruki][@Archmage MC][@The1Rolling1Boy][@Universal5710][@rocketrobie2][@MechonRaptor][@DracoLunaris][@UnknownScarlet4] Hello everyone, Sorry for the bother, but we here on the mod team believe a roll-call may be in order. Many of you have the opportunity to post and have not yet done so, which others have been away for a while. While we want to keep this thing alive for as long as possible, that's an effort we have to put in as a group - especially those who have rookie roles. While a post to get things running again would be wonderful, our main concern here is if everyone's still on board, and preferably a reasoning as to why there's a lack of activity. [@MechonRaptor], you in particular are an area of concern, as you have been missing for quite some time, and have not alerted any of the GMs as to why or how long. Since you've only gotten one post for Ivory, and since it was prior to the crash, we will likely poof her for now, especially if you do intend on returning. If you do not respond in a certain amount of time, or don't respond at all, we may very well have her shattered.