[hider=Vyvyxx] [u]Full Name:[/u] Vyvyxx. ([i]"vihv-icks"[/i]) [u]Nicknames/Aliases:[/u] n/a [u]Age:[/u] Unknown; for all intents and purposes, friggin' old. [u]Gender:[/u] Male. [u]Gift:[/u] Telekinesis. Movement of foreign objects through intense concentration and visualization. I'm sure you catch the drift. [u]Loyalty:[/u] Survival. [u]Description:[/u] As previously stated, Vyvyxx is by no means a young man. A conservative estimate would place him roughly within the mid-to-late 60's. Being a wanderer of the Ashlands, born to the Ashlands, there exists no formal record of his birth. His hair and beard are a long, scraggly, unkempt and very often unwashed steel gray. His eyes are an extremely light shade of blue. His age, however, does not foster frailty. Wandering the wastes is no easy task, and as such he diligently maintains his strength and vigor; he has but one vessel to experience the beauty and terror of this world, best to take care of it. His face wears the lines one would expect of a man his age, though deeper still in the near endless assault of an unforgiving sun. He is clothed in the traditional garb of his former nomadic tribe, a remarkably nondescript robe the color of desert sand held at the waist by an equally nondescript rope. He is shod in worn leather sandals. He carries a staff, no taller than himself, a near-even six feet. A waterskin on his left hip, a small cloth sack on the right. [u]Personality:[/u] Despite his lonely and often treacherous path, he is a remarkably serene old man. He is in a constant state of calm awe concerning the duality of such a beautiful earth with such unforgiving ways. A solitary nomad, he is few of words, save talking himself through situations in the same manner we all do when performing tasks to which we are accustomed: skinning a kill, preparing a meal, etc. He whistles incessantly. [u]Skills:[/u] -Accuracy/Dexterity: Having honed his gift for so many years, and especially considering the paramount necessity of a sure shot when bringing down what could be his only meal for a few days, he has become extremely accurate concerning his propelled missiles, chief of which being the smooth stones in his cloth sack. He also has perfected many games and elaborate aerial displays with said stones, just for fun. -Contentment: It is very nearly impossible to frustrate, dismay, or even offend this man. He is at peace with most every predicament. -Concentration: Being that concentration is paramount to his gift, and given that his gift is his only livelihood, he has grown very adept at reigning in his attention to a very, very, fine point. [u]Weaknesses:[/u] -Again, Concentration: Difficult as it may be, to distract Vyvxx from his current concentration is to weaken, or even nullify his intent. -Again, Contentment: In times of dire distress, it may be hard to press into his mind the urgency of a given situation. -Social Skills: Let's be real. He's a solitary nomad and has been for many, many years. He has himself only to talk to save scarce passersby, and does fancy little tricks with rocks for fun. He is severely lacking in social graces. Being a wanderer his entire life, he is extremely perplexed by modern "civil"-ization and it's underlying mechanisms, and often chuckles to himself in spite of it. He is never intentionally rude, but tact is nowhere near his strongest suit. -Mercy: If at all avoidable, Vyvyxx will not kill another sentient being. The only kill he accepts is that which will feed him. [u]Brief History:[/u] Vyvyxx was born to an ancient, archaic, old-world though clearly living in the new, nomadic tribe. It would seem to some that they are stuck in some far distant past, but in truth they choose to live as they do. Technology is for the most part considered superfluous. Civilization in its permanence in their eyes is a lead weight to the soul, which should always be free to roam. The gift of telekinesis has been held within this tribe for centuries, an homage to the idea that "nothing is at rest". In his tribe, the rites of passage into manhood were never discussed until the trial was to begin. The young man would be led away from the group into extreme isolation by the elders. Once at the desired location, the elders would then lift a large, heavy stone, and bury the boy beneath it, crushing his body into the earth. And there he would stay, until he could exercise enough control over his gift to remove his own heavy burden. In this trial, Vyvyxx was trapped for nearly three whole days. He had enough strength of will to keep the boulder from crushing his bones, but the pain was still very, very real. When he finally focused his mind enough to remove the stone, he was so bitterly angry at his tribe for such a cruel and unmerciful test, that he chose then and there to abscond from them. And he never looked back. [/hider]