[center] [h3] Athena Wilson | "Dismissal Room" - Kitchen's Entrance[/h3] Mentions: [@Jinxer] [/center] Having checked herself in voluntarily, Athena knew that she had done something right. Anything and everything that had been told to her prior to her check in had convinced her that she needed treatment. How else was she to gain a normal life? It was all she wanted, why couldn't she have it? Her neck felt a little stiff as she suddenly began to regain feeling of her body. She remembered that a couple of hours after being checked in to an unknown building, she had been put under to be able to have sleep tests proctored on her. Yet, she didn't know how long they had lasted. By the soreness that she was now feeling in her muscles, she had been out for days. A small groan escaped her lips as she began to flex her muscles, her eyelids fluttering open, attempting to adjust to the florescent lighting. [i]'Where am I?'[/i] Athena's eyes slowly but surely had adjusted, and it wasn't to a room she was familiar with. She managed to turn her head over to the side so she could get a glimpse of where she was, but all she saw was an office that looked like a doctor's visiting office. The room was completely white with a few cabinets and a chrome sink, with a stool not too far from it. The woman sighed as she looked back up to the ceiling before forcing her body to sit up. If her back were able to make noises, the room would have been filled with the sound of creaking from how stiff her muscles felt and how heavy her bones suddenly were. "Good God." She slid off of the twin bed that she was on as she gave herself a once over. There were a few marks on her arms from where she had been poked around, but other than that, she seemed to be okay. She would further inspect herself later on once she figured out what she had missed. As Athena began to walk towards the door, one thing she had noticed was that she was barefoot. She had been placed in white pajamas which resembled the ones that one would typically see in the movies with the button down shirt and the slacked out pants. "Hm. I hope they don't expect me to live in these." As soon as she spoke, she saw something that she had not caught before. A white folder on the counter top by the door. Inside the folder was a letter addressed to her: [center] [i] Dear Miss Wilson, Good morning and hello! We hope you had a calm and smooth awakening. We know that this might be a bit disoriented, but do not panic, you are still in the vicinity that you checked in to. You are just in one of our dismissal rooms. You have been asleep for longer than we initially planned but everything is fine. Your room number is twelve; feel free to go and change and roam around, meet the others. [b] We look forward to sharing the results with you. [/b] [/i] [/center] "The others?" She looked up from the letter as she placed it back on the counter, before opening the door. She was slow yet precise with her movements, her eyes wearily analyzing everything. Were the others like her? Would they understand? Athena looked both ways before she made her way into the halls and went along with the flow. She remembered being shown around but couldn't quite remember through the hazy fog that clouded her head. It had taken her a few minutes but she had found herself walking down a hall filled with doors that held numbers that labeled them. [i]'They must be the rooms,'[/i] she thought as she kept walking, the soft pitter patter of her bare feet hitting the floor lowly echoing through the hall. Not too far from the rooms she could hear noise. Someone was moving about in a room not too far, which had caused her to go towards it with her nerves on the edge. Her hair swayed back and forth as she got closer to the entrance of what began to look like a big kitchen and cafeteria area. Athena stayed by the edge of the entrance, holding onto it as her blue eyes scanned the area, stopping as she saw a young man moving about. She felt her blood freeze in her body as she wondered who he was, and if he was a part of the 'others' that the staff had written about.