Well here he was. Albert could hardly understand what would drive the batman of all people to hire him. Damocles was his name in the underworld he was feared for his brutality, and his bloody streak of bodies he left behind. However all of his victims were scum of the earth. He disagreed with the dark knight, and his methods, on many things but he was still at the end of the day a man with a job to do. Bane had recently ruthlessly murdered Red Hood, Nightwing, and Robin. It was....cruel and unusual to say the least and one he didn't truly expect would come to pass. The Batman was normally hard to cross...but killing the side kicks? That was pure folly. It was that folly that lead him here. Among all of these various threads lead him here today. He said nothing, and expected nothing but his payment. He was a simple man who hated extravagance in all it's forms. Why go for something flashy when you can just pull the trigger, or break the man's arm? He had his hands in his pockets, not gripping his guns which rested in the holsters underneath his long coat, and walked over to Batwoman and looked at her then nodded. [color=00aeef]"I'll play by the rules Batwoman, at least as long as it doesn't get me killed. Where do we start? I'll send out a bug look for abnormalities in the systems in that sector. Shouldn't take too long for me to get camera feeds on for us as long they're not locked behind a system."[/color] Damocles said shrewdly as he breathed calmly through his pulled up face mask. It covered his upper mouth and blurred his words he usually used it to conceal his voice. With the number of other people around him he couldn't really afford to give any hints out about himself. Teammates one day could be tomorrow's losers.