[quote=@agentnumalol] >The Merchant I know who John's gonna be visiting very often. [/quote] [u]Marston:[/u] [b]Drops a load of bloody animal hides and zombie hearts at the Merchant's feet[/b]"How much will you give me for a dead man's butt?" Yes I'd like character posts to be formatted that way. With a heading, a mention of the location, and mentions of the characters involved using the @ command. There's no need to go back and edit your previous posts though. I TOTALLY forgot the important of having a properly formatted post. I was so excited that I just jumped right into things. Besides everyone is in the same place at the moment so it's not a huge issue. Thanks for asking though. [quote=@Eventua] EUUUGGGHHH I find myself tempted to sign up as more characters but it's just, like... too many. Way too many. [/quote] Ha, yeah I get you. I'd be fine with you having two more characters but try to restrain yourself for playing characters you REALLY want. Besides characters can die in this roleplay, especially if shit hits the fan and things get bad. I won't be unfair or force anyone to kill their characters but I encourage players to take the situation and the actions of others into consideration. [s]Besides there are ways characters can come back from the dead given all the games involved. [/s] So maybe it's best to save your other character ideas and work on them for when one of your current character drops. [@lavulman] Oh god having the Courier would mean adding Fallout stuff. My god that'd be great. Butt tons of items, weapons, armor, creatures, and ass tons of toxins and radiation. Plus having Jinxed+Wild Wasteland could lead to some neat stuff in this roleplay.