She chuckled lightly when he called her a soothsayer. That was one term for it and definitely the one she preferred over fortune teller. Fortune teller just sounded too literal. Not mysterious enough for her liking. Although she tended to answer to whatever title people tended to give her as long as they were pulling coins out of their pockets at the same time. When he mentioned her telling fortunes for free she mentally scoffed at the idea. If you are good at something, you never do it for free. Unless, the person is asking for a demonstration and has a large manor as well as many pieces of gold jewelry. She’s done that a few times and it has ended well but she doesn’t want to push her luck. Especially not with an auxillary who she knows doesn’t have much coin. As he spoke of them perhaps travelling together, she began to look eagerly contemplative. She could use someone like him. That would keep the mob off her back for longer. She could make more money, stay in one place for longer. The more she thought, the better it sounded. However, she should feel him out first while she is here. [color=30A1FA]“Hmm… travelling together, you say?”[/color] She closed her eyes and made a show of letting her hands float through the air. [color=30A1FA]“I see… shadows… yes but also some light. Hope, perhaps. Or the glow of gold mmm that seems more likely now…”[/color] She took a breath, eyes still closed before continuing. [color=30A1FA]“Perhaps there are two figures however the the string of fate between them is fragile, tenuous. It can either be cut…”[/color] she opened her eyes and looked up at him [color=30A1FA]“or nurtured, strengthened. The outcome of either of these actions are too numerous to predict, unfortunately.”[/color] She gave him a sweet smile then winked. [color=30A1FA]“That one was free.”[/color] And turned to saunter out of the barn, listening to see if he follows.