[center][h2]Ruler[/h2] [@Breo] [@ConstantlyComic] [@Holy Grail] [@DrowsyPangolin] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Beloss] [@Ijoyen] [@Berserk Gene] [@SIGINT] [@Yukitamas][/center] Well, it seemed that at least someone here was attempting to ally people together to deal with the threat. Ruler couldn't deny that he was opposed to this measure at some level; otherwise, he'd just have called the war off until the threat was dealt with. The show had to go on, though; the Grail War had to reach a conclusion, and if they waited until the threat was dealt with then by that time the very limited clock on the Grail War could have ticked away. However... The other party would probably undermine the war itself if this was allowed to continue. A simple hiatus until the threat was neutralized would waste too much time, but continuing the war as-is would go against his duty as Ruler by just as strong an amount. Whatever the enemy was, it needed to be dealt with before another step forwards could be taken. [color=fff79a]"...I know the locations of all summoned Servants. Priests will be sent to deliver a message to each of them; these are neutral parties, so do not attack them or follow them in the hopes of ambushing who they are delivering the messages to. Doing so will make me view you as a threat."[/color] He spoke up coldly, adjusting his sunglasses as a sharp exhale left him. [color=fff79a]"The message will be as follows: come to the Eastern Field at sundown today. I will be calling for a meeting between all Servants of this war. Servants who do not attend will be forced by means of a Command Seal to commit suicide. Masters are also encouraged to attend if they think themselves able to contribute, but this is not required. The purpose of this meeting will be to work out a way to deal with this interference."[/color] The overseer of the Holy Grail War stood tall, an unbending oak to weather the storm that laid ahead, and with this new source of conviction, he made a statement that dwarfed all that had been said so far. [color=fff79a]"I will bring snacks."[/color] The Holy Grail War had finally begun in earnest.