[@Breo] [@ConstantlyComic] [@Holy Grail] [@DrowsyPangolin] [@Cu Chulainn] [@Beloss] [@Ijoyen] [@Berserk Gene] [@SIGINT] [@Yukitamas] At this time, you should assume that your character has received a message announcing the meeting which is to take place at night in-RP. Attempts to use the system of this message delivery for one's own IC gains will be viewed as hostility by Ruler. All Servants are required to attend the meeting, or will be dealt with by Ruler. Master attendance is not compulsory but is preferred. OOC, this goes doubly for those who play a Master but not a Servant. Inter-competitor violence or interference is prohibited during this meeting, by threat of Ruler. The shift to night and beginning of the meeting will occur on Saturday OOC. All participants have until this time frame to prepare themselves for the meeting and have their questions answered. All participants who have not given a sound-off in some form or fashion, even if it is just to say "I'm busy for the next couple of days", by Sunday OOC will be ruthlessly pestered. Food and drink will be served. Those who are legally permitted may partake in alcohol, but please drink responsibly. Attempts to poison the food or drink will be viewed as hostility by Ruler.