[@Metal Tortoise] [color=f7976a]"I'll give it a go now. Les' see whatchya got son."[/color] [i]A man in a white suit stepped into the ring and stopped six feet from Steer, feet spread a shoulder's length apart, rolling up his sleeves one by one. A cigarette dangled at the corner of his mouth, trailing a sliver of curling smoke. He seemed to be of unremarkable physique, average in just about every which way. His mannerisms, however, were audacious in the extreme. His designer shades even stayed right on his face, a typically poor decision in a fist fight. He threw out his right arm, aiming a slim index finger at Steer.[/i] [color=f7976a]"Tell ya what. I won't move from this here spot. Make me take one step, and I'll letchya have a cigarette. Ya smoke, don't ya boy?"[/color]