Katherine had continued to watch the scene unfold as Fenris instructed Laura to go over to Chess and Chris. Where Chris would never lay a hand on her, his file showed a deep seated need to protect females, in either of his states, she knew the same wasnt said for Chess. However, with Chris's mood off, He was more likely to wait to say something. This half worshipped chaos and chaos this would bring indeed. Sure, Katherine had always enjoyed this group being a bit unpredictable, but she knew one thing. Her eyes traveled to Olivia. The girl wasn't actually sick, as she had learned from their sessions, but she had seen Ryan's. His was under tamed. Olivia, on the other hand, was very in control whoch meant she was probably just as bad if not worse. And Laura being around Chess, who was already making advances, was going to be a powder keg. -- Chris laughed at Chess's answer but said bothing in return. He couldnt even fathom the idea if depression, much less know how he would deal with it. It wasn't until he saw Laura coming that he could tell Dr. Ashton was trying to send this whole group into anarchy. His eyes traveled to Liv who he could see visibly tense up when Chess's hand sat a little low on Laura's back. The annoying part of his "off" side was the need to protect females. If things didnt get stopped before they got too out of hand, he would step in... However, there was a glimmer in Liv's eyes that breathed he wouldnt need to. [I]Looks like the siren will come out and play after all. How beautiful.[/i] he thought, looking towards Chess and Laura. She was such an innocent when she was coherent and it made his other side sad to see how crazy she was otherwise... But now he couldnt rightfully give a shit. They had continued on the assignment when he noticed Chess continuing his advances. Out of the corner of his eye, Chris notes Olivia standing up and walking over towards them. Oh yes, let the beautiful darkness come forth. Let it breathe. -- Alice quickly went back to herself once Ryan spoke and just went about working on the skit herself. Honestly, she wished she could have been partnered off with Winter or Daniel or... Anyone else but Ryan. He scared her, and she jist continued to keep her head down and wrote until she looked over at the commotion coming fron Evan and Daniel. That was just unlucky for Daniel, but luckily it seemed that they were calming down and doing their own thing. She continued to write things down before she heard a loud bang and turned her head. She hadnt expected that at all. -- Evan cackled a bit. This kod was too easy to get too. Way too easy, but it was fun. She just blinked at his threat and laughed some more. Though, even she had to admit she liked his idea about them collaborating at the end. Gave her time to doodle uninterrupted. He pushed her feet off the desk and she wadded up a piece of paper and three it at him before she doodled some more. Something told her to look up though and she. She did, she noticed Chris gently asking Laura away from Chess as Liv headed their way. She smirked. "This ought to be good." She laughed, setting her things down for a momwnt to watch the scene unfold. -- Liv could barely hear Winter as she nodded with her ideas. She was too busy watching Laura be ushered over to the table with Chess and Chris. She sat beside Chess and his hand was awfully low. She watched a bit more. That boy had better not try to get lower than that. She had managed to turn her attention to Winter for a moment before her eyes traveled again. Chess was getting dangerously close to... That was it! Liv gripped her pencil tightly and she stood up. That was too far, Chess... "I'll be right back, Winter " Chris was watching her as she walked over and asked Laura to go sit by him. The moment Laura wasnt right beside Chess, Liv walked a little faster and took her pencil and slammed it into the desk beside Chess's hand. She placed her hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear. "Mind your hands or you wont have any." She warned. She headed back to her table and sat down, going back to listening to Winter. She had just commanded a lot of attention and she knew it, but now she would see if Chess would listen to her or not. She hoped he did because she didn't want everyone to see what she could do if he didn't.