[quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] What is so bad about Breitbart that any of the major news agencies could not be made equally guilty of in mirror? It should come as no surprise, but I would trust Breitbart to be more accurate than CNN, MSNBC, BBC and the like. Regardless, what is the "issue" with Breitbart? [/quote] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] They do have their own biases, during Trump's election in particular, they were someone I actively avoided because I found them obnoxious. (though everyone discussing Trump seems to be obnoxious, but I digress.) They've have been wrong before. I wouldn't imply they're more accurate than any other site. But that point is basically right on the money...every single site has been awful before, gotten something wrong, or misreported. There is no real differences. (and on that note...) The only reason sites on the progressive/leftist side have gotten worse, is this delusional thinking and that they've been doubling down on, that is a continuously losing battle. Making some of the left question it and getting pushed into evil as a result. With the media's absolute laziness that showed up throughout, with sights literally copying other sites verbatim and adding nothing new. Gamergate was a time where this was so disturbingly blatant that it only proved the skepticism of media sites spinning a narrative further. But the 'issue' to the leftist/progressive, it's "right". "Right-winger' being an insult and all that is evil when it's literally just means something with a 'right' leaning bias in anything. "Believing without researching" is the motto. You don't have to think about it. Everything should be free, violence only exist because there's not enough love. You don't need to use your brain, as long as someone in authority tells you what to do, where to live and what to eat. The other side is evil and wants you to be responsible for yourself. That takes effort. You know that kind of logic... Labels and Magical Thinking. Like pandering without a hint of genuine desire to help, it's worked for hundreds of years. But now it's just pushed a little bit further. Because now instead of just "evil rich people", since most people weren't, it was nice to have that invisible boogeyman. Now it's everyone on earth with different ideas or even questionings ideas, but mostly straight "cis" *[b]cringes at even typing that* [/b] white males are to blame for everything wrong. The younger generation that has literally done nothing to influence the greater world or it's many problems is now feeling quite accused and reasonably pissed off. But it's been clear long ago that self awareness has gone out of the window in politics, right or left. It's more blatant that people don't know what the hell they're talking about more than ever. Because the uneducated right think being an asshole is the only reason free speech exists, and being a victim (aka an attention whore) has never been easier for the left. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvfHLr5aEqU[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAA_So0d01w[/youtube] Sorry this turned into something more than just answering your question. ;D