[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/1/17/Official_Website_Art_KH%CF%87.png[/img] [sup]"Long ago, People lives in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everybody loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it to themselves. And then darkness was born in many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world was consumed. But like Dandelions in dead soil, small but bright fragments of light survived and sprouted in many places within the darkness... these children with lights still reminding in their hearts were appropriately named Dandelions. These children rebuilt the consumed world in many islands of light among the dark emptiness. But don't lose heart, the light that once bathed the world in its brilliant benevolence is still hidden away in the darkest depths of the darkness. This is why the islands of lights are scattered and detached from each other. But this great light will return to us one day, like the sunrise of every morning you wake up to. This long and dark night will come to pass. So as long as you remember the light even in the darkness, your heart will never drown in it, no matter how deep you find yourself in. So no matter what, my students, May your heart of light be your guiding key." - Master Nixe[/sup] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170617/e206329bbe8c4c0322e1b6be3159d96c.png[/img] [/center] Hello! Lucky here! I hope I got your attention! I've been replaying the Kingdom hearts series again after a few years since last playing it [s]Thank you, kingdom hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5[/s] So I've waited for a while to join a Kingdom hearts RP but none arose, so I'd better take the GM role for an RP in a setting I've been waiting to set foot in! I'm looking for a smaller group of 4 to 6 + myself. I'm also looking for a CO-GM to help me with character plotting and to help run the RP in general. As the little name attached on the wall of text means is that our characters will be the students of a Keyblade master named Nixe who was trained herself by one of the Dandelions. The students of Nixe are Keyblade wielders from other worlds who have founded their way to her and are currently training under. We can discuss the history of each character once we have a CS up. The main story will be training to become Keyblade masters or to assist your follow students to become Masters if they're too young to become one themselves, and with this being Kingdom hearts, shit will hit the fan right away. Disclaimer, This RP should be considered an AU of the main series with only the events of Kingdom hearts: X Chi being Canon. If you have any questions please don't be scared to ask! I will post the CS soonish, definitely before the OOC is up. NPCS: [hider=Master Nixe] [img]http://memestatic.fjcdn.com/pictures/Overwatch_54d78e_6215441.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Master Nixe [b]Age:[/b] 58 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Master Nixe is a short woman, both naturally and from age, as she stands at a short 5'3" but one should not underestimate her as her body is still fit and lean from decades of Fighting and training youths. Her long white hair is tied up in a long braid that reaches her mid to lower back. She wears a black eye patch over her right eye which hides a nasty scar and a blind eye, her left eye is a dark brown with a tattoo underneath it. Master Nixe has scars all over her body from combating what reminds of the Heartless she does little to hide them. Her outfit is reminiscence of a witch with a pointed black hat with a long blue banana underneath it, a shirt hanging off her shoulders and tucked into a skirt, black leather pants and a simple pair of black boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Master Nixe has a refined and motherly personality. She is supportive, helpful, polite, respectful, and understanding, but she is a warrior at heart as she is a Keyblade Master, after all. She is also soft spoken and reserved, but yet a risk taker and calculating and has a gambler's soul. Master Nixe is a tough but fair teacher giving advice and constructive criticisms when needed as well as being a reasonable authoritative figure towards her students and maybe a more motherly relationship if they so desire, she does give off that aura to others. [b]History:[/b] Master Nixe is the first Master since the Keyblade War and the separation of worlds, and a personal pupil of a powerful Dandelion. Besides that, Nixe doesn't disclose much of her past beyond that. But each one of her multitude of scars each tell a story. She implies and hint at her past but she doesn't give out details, telling her students "You will learn soon enough." But her life seems to carry many hardships and strife by the way she carries herself with a weapon and wields her powerful spells. [b]Keyblade:[/b] [img]http://i42.tinypic.com/123lji8.png[/img] [b]Skills:[/b] Reflega Curaga Graviga Thundaga Blizzaga Firaga Stopga Magnega MP Hastega Scan Leaf Bracer Explosion Ars Arcanum Combo Plus Superglide Levitate [b]Stats:[/b] [i]HP:[/i] 5 [i]Strength:[/i] 4 [i]Magic:[/i] 5 [i]Speed:[/i] 5 [i]Defense:[/i] 4 [i]Magic Defense:[/i] 5 [b]Relationships:[/b] Master Nixe sees Ashe as a kindred spirit as well as one of her strongest students both physically but emotionally too. But a strong body needs a strong mind to fully master a Keyblade. Barry is Nixe's oldest and her most volatile students when he first joined, but he has since grew out of his hotheadedness and aggression after years of training with her. Nixe believes Barry has the strongest heart out of her students. But a strong heart can be both a curse and a blessing. Gable is Nixe's most mysterious student yet he doesn't act the part. She knows more about his past then he knows. Nixe's worries that when he learns more about his past, he won't like it. She tries her best to prepare him for it, but one can never be ready for what Gable was supposed to be. [/hider] [hider=Gable] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Wizardry.full.1007244.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Gable [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Gable is a tall young man standing at 5'11" and his frame is muscular from years of training. His red hair is cut short and his eyes are a light shade of Brown. Unlike his Master, Gable lacks any scars or any outstanding things of note on his tan skin besides a few freckles across his back and shoulders. Unlike his follow students Gable wears armor on his left arm and leather guards on his hips and around the arm guard. Otherwise his outfit is rather unremarkable. [b]Personality:[/b] Gable is easily the friendliest and kindest of the older Students, but he suffers from an easily spooked and as easily intimidated personality, he is often the voice of restraint and cation among Master Nixe's student. And despite being a powerful spell caster he has a hard time fighting due to his gentle nature and often playing a more supportive style of fighting. However Gable likes to think he has a close bond with his follow students and thus is willing to protect and fight for them with a level of intensity not normally seen with him. He is quite humble and gets embarrassed easily if people praise him and his skills. Gable is also unsettled by his lack of memories and often tries little rituals in the hopes of bringing them working, but they never do. Gable is willing to do anything to learn about his past, maybe even push back against his worries if he has too to learn his past. [b]History:[/b] Gable doesn't remember where he came from. He can't remember what his old world was like, of if he had family or friends there. All he remembers is arriving to the Port of Arrival. He was rather young when he arrived on Master Exie's doorstep, about 9 or 10, but he could summon a keyblade and it was Exie's duty to train him as well as teach him about the different worlds and of the darkness that surround every world of light and what lies beyond the relative safe harbor of realm of light. Gable has become a skilled Keyblade wielder but he becoming restless without his memories. He hopes the upcoming Mark of Mastery will reveal more about his shadowed past. [b]Keyblade:[/b] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/416a/i/2015/122/4/0/re_chain_of_memories_keyblade_by_krystal_lily_potter-d2ncioy.jpg[/img] [b]Skills:[/b] Blizzard Thunder Fire Cure Glide Quick Run [b]Stats:[/b] [i]HP:[/i] 2 [i]Strength:[/i] 1 [i]Magic:[/i] 5 [i]Speed:[/i] 3 [i]Defense:[/i] 3 [i]Magic Defense:[/i] 4 [b]Relationships:[/b] [/hider]