[b][color=070809]Name:[/color][/b] Gor'Dorthrar of the Gul'Thazar Empire. [color=070809][b]Age:[/b][/color] 39 [b][color=070809]Occupation:[/color][/b] Torturer [b][color=070809]Ring:[/color][/b] Black Crystal Ring [b][color=070809]Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=Face] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4f/5e/64/4f5e648e1a2477e76315d9598e687728.jpg[/img] A precise replica of the skull of the previous owner. He added some elements to make it more aesthetically pleasing but otherwise it stays true to the original only that it is metal.[/hider] [hider=Cloaked Body] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/9715/f/2016/240/c/b/summer_s_end_by_tarnisis-dafkj7k.jpg[/img] His body is cloaked by a dark robe and he wears metal gauntlets and boots.[/hider] [b][color=070809]Biography:[/color][/b] No one knows of his origins or his life before he was found in the underground fighting pits of Gul'Thazar. He had made a name for himself and qualified for the finals. It was him, as a 19 year old kid vs the long standing champion of 20 years of pit fighting, the Mighty Gordrass. He was a big brainless brute with multiple metal objects protruding from his body. Scars adored his physique like the exquisite carvings of a fine china, except this was gruesome and disturbing, not for the faint of heart. But this sport wasn't for soft people. Only the most amoral and evil people came here. Watching other people shed blood and fight with animalistic ferocity, not even a proper arena match between warriors, more like watching 2 beasts tear at each other while the real beasts cheered for them. So there stood Gor versus the mighty champion of the pits, Gordrass. A fight to remember, a fight that would change everything, a fight that would be personally spectated by the emperor... [i]Years Later[/i] Screams echoed through the dungeon walls, reaching all the way to the ground levels. It was built this way for everyone near the castle to witness, these pained and deathly screams, for their very soul to understand and fear what happens when you go against the Empire. The whole Empire itself felt like it was taken from a horror novel written by sadistic cannibalistic serial killer with a twisted mind. Their cities, their armies and tactics, everything about them resonated this madness that had become part of everyone within the Empire. And their goal? To spread this madness. Gor stood right at the source of all that screaming. He was the torturer after all. Slowly and patiently he took his time on the prisoner. This one was special after all. He had something that had caught the interest of Gor. A ring to be precise, a ring with a black crystal embedded on it. Taking the ring out of his pocket and looking it quizzically once more, he then spoke to the prisoner without moving his eyes off the ring:"You [b]will [/b]tell me all you know about this ring. Now, how [b]painfully long[/b] that shall take...is up to you." During the following days he got every ounce of information he could out of the old man. He also learned about the existence of other rings. Now he had a goal in mind, the collection of every ring, achieving the ultimate power and ultimately ruling over this world. But he couldn't just leave the Empire, he would be hunted down, he had to do something about that and so he did. Using the power of the ring he threw the emperor out of the balcony. With him dead, there was an absence of power which caused every future wanna-be-emperor to claw through each-other to fill it. With the Empire in utter chaos and close to ruin as the Emperor was all that kept it together, or rather the fear of him which was built over centuries of legends. Supposedly he was immortal although that wasn't the case but that's how the rumors worked and how the whole system kept the Empire "in order". Now, just as he was holding a grand speech, an unseen force throw him all the way in the middle of the crowd. This cause quite a bit of panic and Gor used this panic to escape unnoticed. Now free of the Empire he set on his search to locate the rings. But the old man also told him of how people went mad when wearing more than 1. He had to find away around that but first things first, locate the rings, then he would decide what to do.