Jess was smart about building it. She got a test fit done together with some minor modifications. Taking it apart, she used an airbrush to lightly coat the peices every minute or two, this lead to the paint going on and almost immediately drying. This lead to her mixure between a flag and a graze to be among the first custom suits done. It honestly looked pretty good and while it wasn't some god tier creation, the simplicity between the graze and flag having the same male-female joint locations made it look pretty good. "If your paint is still wet you need to learn how to paint a bit better, i'd be happy to show you what little tricks i've gathered in my travels if you'd like later." said Jess to Cassandra with a bit of a teasing smirk "Cass already called dibs, so i'll take you on after her." said the kickboxer to Sakuya with a nod.