[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/dde661389331ea75740a4e6657bc0212/tumblr_inline_nm9gdxOF3y1rrrkde.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Outside the Captain's Office ---> the Foy-er[/center][hr][hr] Dorothy paused in the hallway outside of the Captain's Office for a moment, simultaneously hoping and dreading that she would run into her sister almost immediately after. She had never been in a position to give discipline before, even when she was with the Alliance. Army doctors tended to be a fairly tame group when it came to following rules, and her rank was hardly high, meaning that the need to discipline did not arise often. She didn't have an example from her parents to think back on either. Her mother cowered in fear of her father and her father lived his days either in booze or in rage. By the time she passed the escape pods in the hallway, she had come up with two ideas for discipling her sister. The first idea would be to have Daphne polish and shine Anisa's entire shoe collection. The other was to have her sister clean the new ship from top to bottom. Physical punishment, to Dorothy, felt cruel and unnecessary. The performance of needed tasks felt like a better direction to go with it, sort of like community service of sorts. She was a doctor, after all--she didn't take pleasure in bringing harm to others. But Daphne hadn't seemed to return yet, and Dorothy figured that she'd run into her sister almost the instant Daphne returned. For the meantime, she had other duties to attend to. The first was to continue checking in with everyone on the ship, making sure that they were packing appropriately and not taking anything that could be identified. Fortunately, the crew's quarters wasn't too far, and Dorothy rapped on about each door in turn, hoping to get the attention of any members there. [color=#4dffa6]"Reminder that you'll need to leave behind anything Alliance brand,"[/color] Dorothy explained, her voice a bit sterner that it normally was. She was consciously trying to be a bit tougher, to slip into the strictness that she kept her medical bay with, especially under surgery conditions. She tried to imagine she was dealing with Genevieve barging in while she was in the middle of paperwork. A firm tone, yet not unreasonably so. [color=#4dffa6]"Anything that can be tracked or identified, leave behind. I'll be coming around an' checking soon enough."[/color] Figuring that anyone still in their quarters must have heard her, Dorothy then quickly tried to picture where anyone else might have been off to, if not in their quarters packing. The so called Foy-er seemed to be a social place, and she figured it was good as anywhere to check. Making her way down to the lower level, she kept an eye out for Daphne, just in case her sister had already returned. Whatever punishment Dorothy eventually decided on, she knew it wasn't going to be shiny for Daphne. Approaching the Foy-er, Dorothy waited just outside, knocking to announce her presence.