[center][h2]Death Rattle[/h2] [i]Themerlinhawk[/i] Megelis, Ralrisk Day 1, Morning[/center] “Not corpse retrieval, babysitting.” A grin curled the corners of Ralrisk's mouth. For all the people who had looked down there nose at Adela and questioned Christian’s will when he’d brought in her into the fold there were others who'd seen it as a step towards finding an end to a conflict which had started several centuries earlier. Ris had been firmly in Lord Shard’s camp on the matter which was why Adela had been the obvious choice. “I need you to take a team I to your old stomping grounds. Lady Silversun sent in a on order of sight retrieval team about a day ago to collect a corpse I suspect she thinks is connected to Christian’s disappearance. The problem is all they got was the corpse before they had to make a break for it. Crow got everything he could from the body but we need to see if we can get more from the scene. I'm giving you Markus, Crow and Ayala. Markus can rip through all of the street level security and pull footage, audio and anything else he can find for the last 48 hours. He has to be on site though.” Ris paused because she knew Adela wasn't going to like the next part. “It's in the Narrows” The Narrows were a testament to the phrase urban decay. They were a blighted segment of the city that had never really been rebuilt after the second Stygian blade. Fittingly the disease ridden, poverty stricken, desolate section of the city was also home to the more militant segment of the Stygian Blade. “The outer edge right where it hits high rises, call it the suburban portion of the Narrows.” It was still incredibly dangerous to send a team even to the edge of the Narrows. The Lawbringers of Exandar that patrolled the Narrows did so with some of the heaviest weaponry that Ralrisk had ever seen their kind operate with. Understandably so. Even with the incredible fire power, Lawbringer precincts and check points within the Narrows much of the decrepit city blocks still managed to run amok, there was not much they could do without leveling the Narrows and that was not something the Church of Exandar had the authority to do. Angel’s Landing had its own internal problems so the Narrows remained a bastion for the Stygian Blade. One of far too many in Ralrisk’s opinion. “I sent Megelis to get Crow, Ayala, Nathan and Markus. Megelis can run intercept on anything well armed that looks at you funny, you get to go recover Kirane, Sirius, Crimson and Malakaus. Get Crow, Ayala and Markus in, have them rip everything. Data feeds, street cameras, make sure Crow peels back the veil. We need to know what happened to the corpse the retrieval team brought back and the answers are in that alley somewhere. You should have more than enough firepower though it's probably best if you avoid a fight.” Pausing to take in Adela’s expression Ralrisk quirked an eyebrow. “Questions?” [@Monochromatic Rainbow] [hr] Waiting patiently for the Hacker to get himself situated Megelis just chuckled at the sudden change from frantic to cool. “It's a data retrieval mission. Mistress of Shadows wants everything we can find from a particular intersection in the Narrows. Yes that part of town. Now get your shit, make sure you have a gun and some sort of vest. Don’t want you catching a bullet before we have what we need. Let’s go. I have to go find Nathan, man is going to run intercept on anything metal and quick moving.” With that Megelis didn’t wait on Markus to get his stuff. Turning the swordsman started off down the hallway. Tapping his earpiece as he walked Megelis swiped his PDA before bringing up Crow's contact. Thumbing the contact he continued his walk, slow enough for Markus to catch up. There was a click from the other end. “What.” Grinning at the decidedly irritated question Megelis pushed ahead though Crow’s constantly drap demeanor. “Ris wants us out on a mission. That corpse you butchered isn’t good enough for Lady Silver she wants the details and your report to Archive said you needed to be on site. Seems like it's your lucky day.” The long pause on the other end of the comm told Megelis everything he needed to know. Crow had clearly meant the report as a deterrent to pursuing the line of investigation. A heavy sigh followed. “Fine.” This time Megelis actually let out a cuckle at the spooks discomfort. “Gee tell me how you really feel. Go get Ayala, she’s you new best friend for this mission. Also bring your gear. We’re headed into the Narrows.” There was another longer pause on the other end of the Comm and it was all Megelis could do to not burst out laughing at the Necromancer’s discomfort. “Fuck.” With that the line clicked dead as Crow disconnected it. The walk through the Tower brought them up on one of the guard stations within the Tower. Nathan was standing talking with the individual on duty. This would be good, Nathan was what most people called: an acquired taste. “Nathan, we got a job mate.” [@CollectorOfMyst][@ChickenTeriyaki] [hr] In his lab Crow opened one of the lockers he kept the vast majority of his gear in. Removing a gun belt he strapped it around his waist and fitted the semi auto handgun to his right though with a tight strap. With a quick lift Crow pulled a breast plate composed of interlocking plates shot through with circuitry out of the closet. Pressing it to his chest over the shirt he was wearing the breastplate expanded into a flexible metal vest before extending down his sides and over his shoulders slightly to give him a light metal t shirt with a heavier breastplate to soak shots to his center of mass. With that the necromancer pulled on a black high collared jacket before taking a folding submachine gun from the locker and checking it smoothly before folding it and fitting it to a catch on his lower back. Adding a black satchel that included his laptop and the tools of his trade Crow reached in for the last item. Removing the ash grey skull with black inked writing crawling across it he attached it to his belt under the jacket. Turning Crow held out his left arm and Vulture alighted on it. Cuing up Senechal Crow started to make his way to the elevator. The ride up was uneventful as he stepped out on the floor Senechal had indicated that Ayala was on. It would appear she was finishing some sort of exchange with a pair of knights who quickly left her and her companion be. Waiting politely Crow shifted Vulture to his left shoulder as he waited for the two to approach down the hallway. “Ayala.” It was largely statement but it was also part question. The medical examiner wasn’t familiar with her companion but Megelis had not asked for him so Crow didn’t bother to ask his name. It wasn’t rudeness simple efficiency. No doubt whoever the team leader was would want them ready to go in a timely fashion. [@Lyla]