[@Goliah] [s]I wanted to give someone else a chance to rate this because I had a feeling I'd not like this...[/s] That 'drop' after the title drop is super obnoxious. XD I actually like some of Mindless Self Indulgence. So I'm not even opposed to his 'kind' of music or voice. But it's pretty generic stuff, even for him. The video is kind of fun. 3/10 Sorry. >.< But don't feel bad, everyone likes music that is questionable in quality. This song I kind of want someone to rate this low, so I can confirm that I am insane for liking it. Because the beginning is obnoxious and the entire goddamn song is the hook. [s]But its so catchy thou.[/s] >.> (that or I can just give someone else an ear worm.) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIs7QtCsUAg[/youtube]