[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Building F (The Newnan's Home) [b]Interacting With:[/b] Jack[/center][hr] [color=a187be]"Jack!"[/color] Tatiana yelled in relief as she saw him come rushing into the room. Limping over and keeping low she went to him, her arms wrapping around him tightly. She was shaking like a leaf and hadn't even noticed she was bleeding until he said something. Looking down she sat down on the couch and hunched over, looking at the blood. She tried to put her foot down and grunted in pain before snatching it up as quickly as she could. Then she spotted it, a large shard of glass sticking out of the bottom of her foot. [color=a187be]"Chert voz'mi,"[/color] she cursed under her breath as she reached down and yanked it out with a hiss. [color=a187be]"Broke coffee cup..."[/color] she said as she looked slowly over to Jack and dropped the shard of glass into an empty candy dish on the coffee table. Shaking her head she motioned over towards the kitchen. The smell of eggs, bacon, and toast wafting into the living room. [color=a187be]"Try make you breakfast for bed,"[/color] she said sheepishly before turning her head back to him and giving him a shy smile. Reaching out she flung her arms back around Jack, the moment sinking back in. Her arms tightening around him and listening out for more shots. If they were under attack there was sure to be more. She hated this feeling, just as everything was going well there was something to remind them that they were living in hell on earth. Tatiana was thankful that she and Jack were leads though, while the general population of Newnan were allowed to carry around sharp weapons: knives and the like. Leads had guns. Granted there were two armories now where everyone else could get at them if they needed, a guard at both at all times to make sure things went smoothly. Yet Leads were armed at all times, just as all of security was. Knowing there were a couple of guns in the house just within arms reach made things a little less dire in Tatiana's eyes. Granted, she knew it would be a fight if she were to try to leave the house right now. Jack was always protective, now that he knew she was pregnant she was sure that was going to increase ten-fold. "Que se passe-t-il," came through both Tatiana's and Jack's radios on the coffee table. The thick french accent could only be Froggy. The radio went out to all leads in Newnan. "What was shot? Everyone okay?" he said, finally flipping over to English. [color=a187be]"Jack.. ve under attack?"[/color] she asked as she leaned back and glanced towards the radio. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=fff79a]Ryan O'Reliy[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzym45prCj1qcnxvno1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Building B (Rejects House) [b]Interacting With:[/b] Chloe[/center][hr] Ryan looked over to Chloe and shrugged. [color=fff79a]"Beats the hell out of me Lass,"[/color] he said as he moved over to the window now that he knew that she was alright and pushed back the blind a little bit, staying low. Looking out the window he couldn't see anything but the streets looked calm. That was all but for a tall man he didn't know with a mustache and in cowboy boots rushing across through Newnan towards the Main building with a guard carrying a gun running after him. [color=fff79a]"Shit, stay here,"[/color] he said before darting off. Running into his room he shoved his feet into his shoes and grabbed his knife. Still in his boxers and wife beater he ran back to Chloe's room. [color=fff79a]"Richard ain't here and some cowboy is being chased by security. You stay put damn it,"[/color] he said before tearing off through the house. Grabbing his coat and shoving his arms through it before running out the door. It had taken him all of two minutes between making sure she was alright to getting his shoes on and out the door. Ducking down by the snow covered bushes and staying off the road as he tried to get close enough to hit blind side the man he had seen. Like hell some back woods cowboy was going to shoot up Newnan. If anyone was gonna cause trouble in this town it was gonna be one of the damn rejects. At least that was what he kept telling himself. It wasn't like he cared about the people in Newnan, was it? [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin Comfort[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2016/10/18/2f99eb5f-a2b2-4e86-bfc1-3fa19bcd42db/clayne-hair-11.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Gilbert Street (Scene of the Crime) [b]Interacting With:[/b] His guard, Thana[/center][hr] "Get your ass back here before you get yourself killed!" the guard yelled towards Gavin as he tried to keep up. Gavin let out a huff and stopped in his tracks before turning around and eying the man. The look on Gavin's face was enough to make the man come to an abrupt halt. [color=f26522]"Woulds yous keeps yers voice down? If a someone be shootin' this place up, yous really wants to be yellin' for thems to be knowin's exactly where's to fire next? Likes a damned coon hound with his head caught in a traps yous be with all the noises yous be makin'."[/color] "Shit, sorry but damn it. Stay put. Ain't your job." [color=f26522]"I be a Ranger, it always be my job, stay quiet, stay out of sight if yer scared,"[/color] Gavin said before grinning and heading back off towards the sound of the shot. The man look offended to be called scared and grumbled under his breath as he trotted off after Gavin. Gavin rounded the corner and saw what was going down, at least the tail-end of it. A man was definitely dead, laying face down in the snow with an axe to his head and what looked like half his skull blown out. There was another there. One was the guy that had given him that sweet smokey goodness the night before, James, that was his name. If there were more beyond that, he didn't notice. At least not now as he spotted a woman standing there. Gavin froze, his quick pace slowing and drawing out each step. He had to be dreaming... [i]He knew it was a mistake the moment the door closed. He let let her walk away and did nothing to stop it. He had not right to in his mind. She hadn't left because she had wanted to. He had pushed her away. Broken things off clean, or at least the had thought it was clean to begin but as he head the door close he knew it wasn't. He had been racked with guilt and taken it out on her. He had told her to go, that there was nothing for them together. It had been the dumbest thing he had ever done and he knew it. Kicking himself he plopped down on the edge of his couch and lowered his head. He had thought he was doing the right then but right then he knew it wasn't. He wanted to run after her, to tell her he had just made a huge mistake but he felt it wouldn't be fair to her. No, he had done the right thing. He kept telling himself that. For years he told himself that. By the time he stopped and owned up fully to the choice he had made it had been too late. The outbreak had occurred and he knew he could never find her. It only made himself kick him that much harder. He just hoped she was okay. Of course she was. She was tough, she was a sailor. She probably took up on some beach somewhere, soaking up the sun. Away from this hell the rest on the mainland were dealing with. She had found some small place and made it her own. That was the picture he had painted in his mind and kept it held close to his heart. That she was living and happy, despite everything. It was the only solace he had found. Rarely speaking about her he tried to keep her off his mind but she crept into his dreams. From time to time he would talk to Ravi about her. About her blue eyes and the curve of her lips. How she tasted like strawberries and always smelled like honeysuckles. She was intoxicating. In his wallet he had kept pictures of his family. His parents, his wife before she passed away, and her. All the loved ones he had lost. He never called her by name, couldn't bring himself to. Just called her...[/i] [color=f26522]"Strawberry Wine..."[/color] he choked out as he finally came up to the group that was standing there but he only had eyes for one right then. It didn't matter that there was a man dead in the snow, a blood trail leading back to the repair shop. All he saw was her. Thana's head turned slightly, her brow arcing deeply as she heard a familiar voice. Her jaw going slack as the cowboy stumbled towards her. He was shaking and there were tears welling up in his eyes, staggering through the snow as it looked like his knees were giving out beneath him. He nearly fell before reaching her but kept his footing. His hands coming out slowly, reaching for her and cupping her cheeks gently in his palms. His fingers stroked over her skin. Thana didn't move, she was stunned. Nearly shell shocked as her head tilted back and she looked up to Gavin. [color=0072bc]"Sweet Jesus... Comfort?"[/color] she finally said, stunned. Gavin didn't say anything, just smiling slightly as he let out a shaky nod. The curls of his hair falling forward as he did and pulling her closer. Pressing soft trembling kisses to her brow, forehead, and cheeks before wrapping his arms around her and hugging the ever living stuffing out of her. Placing a hand at the back of her head he tucked it beneath his chin and held her tight against his frame. Thana still hadn't moved, she was dumbfounded. [color=f26522]"Thank god, never thought I'd be seein's ya again. You be the sweetest sight this side of heaven I ever done see."[/color]