[@TaroAndSelia] [quote=@TaroAndSelia] Firstly, I have to express how much I love your idea. I'm also expressing my interest, but had a couple of questions I wanted to ask before finishing up a sheet. 1) How much about the myths/conduit do the players actually know? (I'm thinking of submitting a rather nerdy archaeology buff.) 2) Do you have an overall goal for us? Or is each player harnessing this power for a personal agenda? (Or both; I'm not one to put restrictions on another man's aims.) 3) Do you choose which starter deck we have? [/quote] Okay finally to answer your questions! 1) Basically the conduit technology is basically a myth to the public but some very dedicated people have learned bits and pieces about the magic properties but are seen as conspiracy theorists. 2) A plot will reveal itself but for now the players are motivated by collecting cards and using their newfound abilites in this exciting game. 3) You are able to choose from the available decks but 2 have been already taken [@Ryougu][@rawkhawk64] Okay I'm going to repost your characters in this thread with the same characters and cards from the beta test you can add pictures to the character profiles and change info about the characters before re-posting them in the Character tabs but the cards and battlemage ring and profile must remain the same. [@Bishop] No the decks are pre made, but as you gain more cards you can add more and customize.