[i] "Genocide. Why have you come here?"[/i] Both Death and War turned to look at the synthetic being and turned back to look at the city below. "I'm going by another name now. I am now known as War. And we are here to do this." He chuckled as Death slowly began to turn and his eyes began to glow with dark energy. Ripples of dark energy that erupted from him began to spread out through the air and on the ground of the city below. Shadows began to expand and grow and hundreds upon hundreds of shadowy creatures began to appear all over the city. They stood still for a moment and looked up at the sky at Death as if awaiting his command. Death grinned savagely. "Go." With a combined terrifying roar that seemed to shake the land itself the creatures began to rip into the town and the fleeing citizens who screamed in terror as the shadow creatures attacked. Death grinned again as he waved his hands and lines of flames began to race down the side of the building and erupted into massive eruptions of flames that began to spread everywhere. War turned to look at the cyborg as another portal formed next to the two of them. "Do not interfere or you will die." Death and War both said as they stepped through the portal and vanished.