[center] [h3] Athena Wilson | Kitchen [/h3] [b]Mentions[/b]: [@Jinxer] [@HecateProxy] [/center] It must have been morning, since more people were beginning to appear. As the sun rose, the building came to life and it made Athena feel somewhat uncomfortable. She wished that she could have at least gotten some time to become acclimated to the vicinity before being introduced to so many people all at once. She knew that the others wouldn't be able to tell what she was feeling, for she never truly showed her emotions easily. Instead of making any kind of movement, Athena kept watching everyone as they appeared, only then moving when she was startled by a hand that was placed on her shoulder. "Oh..." Her voice came out in a higher octave than usual as she turned quickly to see who had touched her. An unhappy look found its way on her face as she pulled away quickly from the girl's touch. She seemed to be more friendly than anyone that she had ever met, which took her Athena by surprise. Following her startle, Athena found herself being slightly pushed out of the way by a young man who looked like he could kill anyone who spoke to him. Athena's eyebrow arched as she tried to fathom who the young man thought he was. She quickly turned his way and watched him rummage through the kitchen, trying to find something to probably ease his morning. "Excuse you." After being quiet for so long, Athena had spoken up with an icy cold tone in her voice. Her words were dripping with sarcasm as she began to walk in, keeping her eyes locked on the nicotine guy. She watched him clearly look her up and down which filled her with a rage that she knew so well. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." As she spoke, her accent came out, causing her to become a bit self conscious and she could feel a bit of nausea coming on. It typically only happened when her disorder kicked in. Her eyes traveled back over to the young man who was now moving about the kitchen with surprising grace and speed. The starving female that had touched her shoulder was now moving about too, grabbing what would be needed to serve the food and setting things up. [i]'Do they know each other already? Are they all.. friends?'[/i] The thought of everyone already knowing each other made Athena feel a weird emotion. It felt as if she was homesick, but she should have not felt anything since she never needed anyone. Regardless, she kept walking over to where the graceful cooking man was and she looked around at what he was making, with curious eyes. While everything did look good, the scent of the food found it's way into Athena and made her stomach protest. She was never a heavy eater in the morning. Food had always been a passion but to eat so early, and after she had just woken up from an unknown amount of hours, it just wasn't happening. Instead, Athena found herself opting for some coffee like the creep who had just checked her out. She looked up at the graceful cooking man and offered him a small smile, something that was often not found gracing her face, before walking over to the pot of coffee. [center][b][i] "Now, Miss Wilson, after having undergone these studies, you will be eventually joining others. Just not as soon as you might think. What you sign today and hear after today, should be kept confidential. We trust that you will agree with these terms; after all, we are helping you." [/i][/b][/center] Her flashback was quick and brief, but it reminded her to remember what her agreed upon terms were so that she wouldn't slip up around these strangers. Athena slowly poured her coffee in a mug that she had found, she looked up and kept studying the faces of those around the area before finishing up and heading over to where sir nicotine had gone and sat. With a small pep in her step, she turned on her heel and sat in front of him, her icy blue eyes starting deep into his. "I'm here if you'd like to either push me or look at me more." It was clear that she was being an asshole to him, but she needed to make sure that he got the message that just because he was under some withdrawal, it didn't give him the right to be a jerk. After some silence, Athena smirked, asking for his name, before taking a sip of her coffee.