[@Lady Amalthea] The overall sentiment of childish younger adults/teenagers, needing to grow the fuck up and fast. Is a statement I can 100% get behind. And I agree with what you said, and the point of kids not even being responsible enough for their hobby, they won't survive the real world type of thing. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/05/24/479327382/for-first-time-in-130-years-more-young-adults-live-with-parents-than-partners (And how most 18-30 year old's still live with their parents, like my older brother, he didn't stay because he -had- to. They made him live rent free and he never had to pay for food or anything, so why not leech of them as long as you can while you build money from a job to spend on whatever you want instead? I have a feeling that's also the reason most people do as well. I remember a discussion of young adults crying about moving out, because they'd need to do their own laundry. Like Jesus...) But I know I was told all the time by my parents, that "I hated my teen years? Adult life would be SO much WORSE!" (well my father did.) Maybe it's just because I was already grown up at that time and eager to leave before I was even legally allowed to. But yeah. They we're SO wrong. Adult life is about a million times better than my childhood was. And I do NOT miss my childhood in the slightest. [hider=And as for bitching about RP's to tie this in back to the topic at hand. "When life sort of forces itself upon you and you're already busy...] But you have to write anyway. Because you're not lazy... [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/uQhVasAMyz83u/giphy.gif[/img] Writing without sleep isn't fun. -.- [/hider]