Roxy rolled her eyes. She wasn't the most patient woman. The last thing she needed was a weakling. This woman wouldn't survive a week in her world. Which was a problem. This woman needed her. Which meant that Jess was going to have to learn how to survive in her world. She had a feeling that adjusting wouldn't be easy for Jess no matter who her anchor. Unfortunately the other woman had gotten stuck with her. [color=blue]"Let's get you packed. How much of this stuff do you want to take with you?"[/color] No matter what the woman packed they couldn't go back to the city on her bike. Which pissed Roxy off. She hated being in enclosed spaces. But they would need atleast a car. A truck would be better that way she could put her bike in it. From what she had been told she would have to be in the same room as the empath for the first month or so until their bond was strong enough to stretch further.